LibPFASST is a Fortran library that implements multiple Parallel-in-Time algorithms, including the Parallel Full Approximation Scheme in Space and Time (PFASST).

LibPFASST is open-source and hosted on GitHub.

In the course of this IDP, LibPFASST was extended with an interface that allows it to dynamically grow and shrink by an arbitrary number of processes using the dynamic Open MPI runtime. The source code of this modified version can be found on GitHub. It has the following features and limitations:


LibPFASST is a Fortran implementation of the PFASST algorithm.

It provides some setup routines to the user and entry routines to start the algorithm. It is written in a generic way and must be extended by the user to make it problem-specific.

To use LibPFASST, a user must:

Basically all examples in the official LibPFASST repository also implement a probin module, which loads general PFASST and problem specific parameters from a probin.nml file.

In this version of LibPFASST, the user should additionally add a resizing routine, in which the application decides on the current state whether to grow or shrink and add it to the the PF_PRE_POT_RESIZE hook. See below ("Controlling dynamic resources") for details.

Motivation for Dynamic MPI Support

Parallel-in-Time methods such as LibPFASST have some useful properties that make them a good fit for adaptive resources.

These properties include:

These properties are the main motivation to apply dynamic resources to LibPFASST. This project demonstrates that with these types of libraries, little work is required to add dynamic resources support and that it adds great value to the application.

Rank Order Preservation Assumption

To avoid complex reordering strategies and being able to reliably create process set grids (as demonstrated in the showcase), we need process set operations to preserve the relative order of ranks in both the input process sets themselves as well as in the order of the input process sets in the psetop call. "Rank in a process set" means the rank of a process in groups and communicators derived from the process. Note that we also require them to be consistent in the sense that if you derive two groups from the same process set, the ranks of each process should match.

In general, for most dynamic applications, this type of rank order preservation will be beneficial. For example, after a GROW pset operation, the application can not assume that rank 0 of the newly merged process set belongs to the "old processes". This is bad, as you would usually try to synchronize data using MPI_Bcast, but you would have to come up with a root rank first. In an ordered setting, we know that rank 0 will remain the same process in both the old and the merged process sets, which makes process coordination much simpler.

In this version of LibPFASST specifically, both GROW and SHRINK (in the space-parallel case UNION and DIFFERENCE) are used to resize the LibPFASST run. Furthermore, we need grid consistency after a resource change (so that processes in the same space pset are working on the same time step). Also, for a lot of coordination , assumptions on the rank of processes are made. For example, when choosing the root rank of a broadcast.

The following is an illustration of how this would look like (GROW and SHRINK work analogously to UNION and DIFFERENCE):

Results of different process set operations with the order preservation assumption. Processes are identified by the color of the circle.

Build & Usage Instructions

Note: If you have followed the instructions for the Docker build in the Open MPI section, LibPFASST was already cloned and compiled at /opt/hpc/build/LibPFASST.

Before compiling LibPFASST, make sure that you have installed the dynamic Open MPI fork in one of the ways described in the Open MPI section and mpicc and mpifort are both in your path. You can double check by running mpicc --showme and mpifort --showme and validate that the right include and linking paths are presented. Furthermore, you will need to have make installed.

In general, the compilation instructions for the dynamic version of LibPFASST are the same as for classic LibPFASST:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. When using newer versions of gfortran, add the following line to Makefile.local (make sure to use +=):
FFLAGS_EXTRA += -fallow-argument-mismatch
  1. Compile LibPFASST:

This will create a file in lib/libpfasst.a and Fortran module files in include/.

Basic workflow using dynamic resources

Traditionally, a typical LibPFASST main routine would look like this:

  1. create a LibPFASST communicator (of type pf_comm_t) from an MPI communicator using pf_mpi_create
  2. create pfasst structure using pf_pfasst_create
  3. set up additional LibPFASST things using pf_pfasst_setup
  4. start PFASST run using pf_pfasst_run

This approach can still be used in this version of LibPFASST. However, if you want to use dynamic resources, you need to setup PFASST a bit differently:

  1. find out if the process was started dynamically by calling pf_dynprocs_check_dynamic
  2. instead of a pf_comm_t object, create a dynprocs_t object using pf_dynprocs_create
  3. create pfasst structure using pf_pfasst_create_dynamic instead of pf_dynprocs_create
  4. set up additional LibPFASST things using pf_pfasst_setup
  5. start PFASST run using pf_pfasst_run, additionally passing join_existing (set if process is dynamic start) and premature_exit (on return will be set to true if pfasst run is not yet finished)

Note that pf%use_dynprocs will be set if you use the dynamic setup routines.

To see a more extensive descriptions of these functions, including their arguments, take a look at the API reference at the bottom of this page.

The workflow for "space-parallel mode" is described in the showcase section.

When returning from pf_pfasst_run

When returning from pf_pfasst_run it is important to note the following:

  1. previous communication structures (communicators/groups/process sets) might have become invalid
  2. the return does not imply that the run is finished. It might be that the process is part of a SHRINK/SUB pset operation
  3. if the run is finished, it is unclear which process exactly will hold the final solution

Thus, you should adapt your code to be able to handle these problems:

  1. use pf%comm%comm and process sets from pf%dynprocs to continue communication, if it is required
  2. check the value of the premature_exit argument to pf_pfasst_run. Do not create any communication when it is set and try to stop the process as soon as possible
  3. the value of the last step will be at the process that worked on the final time step. Check pf%state%step. If is is equal to nsteps-1, this is the process with the final solution

Controlling dynamic resources

LibPFASST has the ability to grow and shrink the number of parallel-in-time time steps after each block that is worked on. However, the decision on whether to grow, shrink or keep the number of processes is made by the user.

The user should provide a pfasst hook attached to PF_PRE_POT_RESIZE. This hook is called once on each process right before the application can request resources.

In this hook, the user should set the value of pf%dynprocs%resize_delta to the number of time steps LibPFASST should grow or shrink. When removing resources, it should be set to a negative value. The value of pf%dynprocs%resize_delta is reset to zero after is has been processed. Only the value at the main resource change process (rank 0 of the main_pset or rank 0 of the global pset) matters.

In a normal PFASST run, this the number of processes to be added/removed is equal to the absolute value of pf%dynprocs%resize_delta. In a "space-parallel" setting, the number of processes is equal to the above value times the number of parallel pfasst instances.

For example:

Note that the number of time steps can never reach 0 or less, the user should double check this.

An example routine for resizing might look like this:

subroutine resize_decider(pf, level_index)
  type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
  integer, intent(in) :: level_index

  integer :: max_timesteps = 8
  integer :: cur_timesteps
  integer :: new_timesteps
  real    :: u

  ! we only set resize_delta at the process that calls the psetop
  if (pf%rank == 0 .and. ((.not. pf%dynprocs%global_used) .or. pf%dynprocs%horizontal_rank == 0)) then
      cur_timesteps = pf%comm%nproc
      ! get random integer between 1 and max_timesteps
      call random_number(u)
      new_timesteps = 1 + floor(u * (max_timesteps + 1 - 1))
      pf%dynprocs%resize_delta = new_timesteps - cur_timesteps
  end if
end subroutine resize_decider

This routine sets the pf%dynprocs%resize_delta to a value so that the number of time steps are changed to a random number between 2 and max_timesteps. This routine also works in both normal and "space-parallel mode" due to the check on pf%dynprocs%global_used in the if-expression.

New hooks

The following are additional LibPFASST hooks related to dynamic resources:

PF_PRE_POT_RESIZECalled before asking runtime and checking for resource changes. Useful for controlling resource changes. See above.
PF_POST_POT_RESIZECalled after both asking runtime for resource checks and potentially resizing.
PF_PRE_RESIZECalled before a resize. Only called if there is mpi_sessions_dyn_v2a_query_psetop returns a new resizing pset operation.
PF_POST_RESIZECalled after an actual resize.
PF_PRE_SYNCCalled right before syncing the state with newly started processes. Useful for syncing additional data.
PF_POST_SYNCCalled right after syncing the state with newly started processes

All hooks are called with the level parameter set to 1. It should be ignored by the application.

Please refer to the official LibPFASST documentation for the usage of hooks.

Dynamic PFASST Example

The new LibPFASST repository contains a simple example that is a modified version of the advection-diffusion example with dynamic resizing enabled. It can be used as a reference for using dynamic LibPFASST.

If you are using the docker setup, the example is available at /opt/hpc/build/LibPFASST/Tutorials/EX6_dynamic_mpi and it can be compiled by running make in that directory. To run the script on 8 hosts with 4 processes per host, you can use the following command:

mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np 8 --host 'n01:4,n02:4,n03:4,n04:4,n05:4,n06:4,n07:4,n08:4' ./main.exe probin.nml

To get more verbose output, you can run it like this:

mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np 8 --host 'n01:4,n02:4,n03:4,n04:4,n05:4,n06:4,n07:4,n08:4' ./main.exe probin.nml debug=.true.

The application can figure out the node granularity automatically and will only grow/shrink by a multiple of it (4 in the above commands).

Implementation Details

The main changes occurred in the following source files:

pf_dtype.f90Introduction of new pf_dynprocs_t types and minor edits to pf_pfasst_t
pf_dynprocs.f90New module containing user-facing routines and internal resize logic
pf_parallel.f90Modifications to pf_pfasst_run and pf_block_run to allow resizing and dynamic starts and shutdowns.
pf_hooks.f90Introduction of new hooks related to application resizing

LibPFASST block mode

In LibPFASST, the total number of time steps to compute is split up into blocks. Each block has the size of the number of time steps that can be worked on parallel in time. These blocks are being worked on sequentially.

Without dynamic resources, each block will have the same size and from the beginning, the total number of blocks is known. This assumptions is reflected in multiple places in the original source code.

For this project, the code was modified to remove that assumption, so that the number and size of blocks can change dynamically. The main loop over the blocks is contained in the pf_block_run function (src/pf_parallel.f90). This loop was changed from a do k = 1,nblocks loop to a do while loop. Additionally, in the final block, the number of processes might be higher than the number of time steps left. In this case, only a subset of processes work, and the unused process return.

Finally, to implement dynamic resizing, pf_dynprocs_resize is called at the beginning of each new block (except for the first one).

The pf_dynprocs_t type

All of the state related to dynamic resources is stored in an pf_dynprocs_t object during a dynamic LibPFASST run.

Here is the definition of the pf_dynprocs_t type as seen in src/pf_dtype.f90:

!>  Data type for dynamic MPI
type :: pf_dynprocs_t
   integer                       :: resize_delta = 0

   integer                       :: session    ! the mpi session
   ! note that the main MPI communicator derived from main_pset is stored in pf_comm
   character(len=:), allocatable :: main_pset  ! the main process set used

   logical                       :: is_dynamic_start = .false.
   logical                       :: needs_shutdown   = .false.

   ! resource changes
   character(len=:), allocatable :: delta_pset  ! resource change process set
   integer                       :: rc_op       ! the resource change psetop op type

   ! in some cases, multiple pfasst instances run in parallel ("space-parallel mode")
   ! we are both storing a global pset, that contains all processes of other pfasst runs
   ! and a horizontal pset, that contains all processes with the same rank in their resp. main_pset
   ! This can look like this:
   !                         libpfasst psets (=main psets)
   !         ^                 v v v  v
   !         |               +----------+
   !         |            >  | 8 9 10 11|
   !         | horizontal    +----------+
   !         |            >  | 4 5 6  7 |
   !         |      psets    +----------+
   !         |            >  | 0 1 2  3 | < these have rank 0 in libpfasst psets and are the "local leaders"
   !         |               +----------+
   !         |                 ^
   !         |                 this one is both rank 0 in time pset and horizontal/space pset and rank 0 in global comm
   !    time | 
   !    here, there are 4 pfasst instances running in parallel with 3 time parallel steps
   !    the global pset would contain all 12 of these processes
   character(len=:), allocatable :: global_pset
   character(len=:), allocatable :: horizontal_pset

   ! global communicator info (only relevant if global_used)
   logical                       :: global_used = .false. ! whether there are multiple parallel pfasst instances
   integer                       :: global_comm ! the communicator used for global coordination among these instances
   integer                       :: global_rank
   integer                       :: global_size
   integer                       :: horizontal_comm
   integer                       :: horizontal_rank
   integer                       :: horizontal_size
end type pf_dynprocs_t

An object of this type is available in the pf_pfasst_t type under the dynprocs attribute (usually accessed via pf%dynprocs). Additionally, pf_pfasst_t contains a flag is_dynamic that indicates whether this is a dynamic LibPFASST run and whether pf%dynprocs is actually accessible.

The dynprocs_t stores up to three process sets together with the respective communicator, rank and size:

  1. The main_pset. This is the process set where actual PFASST communication takes place. Note that the communicator and other attributes are stored at a different place at pf%comm%comm, pf%rank, pf%comm%nproc.

  2. The global_pset, when running in "space-parallel mode". This is the process set that spans all active LibPFASST runs. See showcase for an explanation of "space-parallel mode".

  3. The horizontal_pset, when running in "space-parallel mode". This is the process set that spans all in processes global_pset that have the same rank in their main_pset (and thus work on the same time step). This needs to be stored here so LibPFASST is able to shrink.

Additionally, the flags is_dynamic_start, needs_shutdown, global_used indicate whether a process was started dynamically during the LibPFASST run, whether a process needs to shutdown dynamically and whether "space-parallel mode" is enabled, respectively.

delta_pset and op store the results of query_psetop and are used to coordinate once there is an actual resource change pending.

Finally, resize_delta, the only variable that the application should set by itself, is used to control the number of timesteps to shrink/grow during the next resize. It is reset to 0 after each resize try (whether sucessful or not).

Resizing Routines

The main module for resizing is the pf_mod_dynprocs module in src/pf_dynprocs.f90. This module contains routines that can be called by the user, generic helper routines related to process sets/MPI sessions and finally internal routines that should not be called by the user.

pf_dynprocs_createpublicconstructor for dynprocs_t
pf_pfasst_create_dynamicpubliclike pf_pfasst_create, but for dynamic runs. Also creates communication with existing run in case of a dynamic start
pf_dynprocs_comm_from_psethelpercreate a communicator from a process set
pf_dynprocs_pset_contains_mehelpercheck if a process set contains the current process
pf_dynprocs_check_dynamichelpercheck if this process was started dynamically
pf_dynprocs_create_comminternalcreate LibPFASST communicator from main process set. Called by pf_pfasst_create_dynamic
pf_dynprocs_get_shrink_unioninternalUse process set operations to create a delta process set to remove from the run
pf_dynprocs_handle_shrink_globalinternalIn a space-parallel run, update main psets on each LibPFASST instance when shrinking
pf_dynprocs_handle_shrink_growinternalIn a space-parallel run, update main psets on each LibPFASST instance when growing
pf_dynprocs_apply_rcinternalApply a resource change that arrived from the runtime. Update psets and communicators
pf_dynprocs_suggest_rcinternalRequest a resource change using GROW/SHRINK process set operations.
pf_dynprocs_resizeinternalPotentially request a resource change, check for a resource change and apply a resource change.
pf_dynprocs_join_runinternalJoin an existing run. Sync up the state
pf_dynprocs_check_rcinternalCheck for a pending resource change
pf_dynprocs_check_shutdowninternalCheck if current process must shut down (part of a shrinking delta process set)
pf_dynprocs_sync_stateinternalBroadcast current state from rank 0. Called by pf_dynprocs_apply_rc and pf_dynprocs_join_run

The complete reference for the user-facing routines is available at the bottom of this page.

Resizing process set operations

In normal mode, growing and shrinking is implemented using PSETOP_GROW and PSETOP_SHRINK process set operations:

In both cases we need the rank order preservation assumption so that the relative order of processes stays the same.

State syncing

There are two types of states in LibPFASST:

  1. Static state: This is the type of state that is already determined when LibPFASST is entering the block mode. For example, static state contains configuration parameters and local variables that are initialized deterministically. Note that each new process will be spawned with the same command line, and thus with the same configuration options (given that the configuration files did not change on disk). Static state does not need to be synchronized with new processes.

  2. Dynamic state: This is the type of state that has been built up dynamically during the execution of the pfasst algorithm. Dynamic state in LibPFASST includes partial results, progress variables (like the current time step and current time block) and other local variables that depend on the former.

Note that in LibPFASST, almost all of the state is contained within the pf_pfasst_t type (usually instantiated as a variable called pf). There exists also a pf_state_t type which pf_pfasst_t holds an instance of, but it holds both static and dynamic state. A big amount of state is also contained in the user levels.


As we are only considering resource addition at the beginning of a new block, we are only interested in the dynamic state required to join the run at that point.

In this implementation, the only dynamic state that is shared is the following:

Implicitly, the size of a block and the relative time step to work on are contained in the size of the communicator and the rank of a process in this communicator.

This state sharing is implemented in the pf_dynprocs_sync_state routine in the pf_dynprocs.f90 file using a broadcast from rank 0 over the pf%comm%comm communicator (which was derived from the main pset). The routine assumes that both old and new processes are already merged into a single communicator stored in pf%comm. Furthermore, it assumes that the process of rank 0 is one of the old communicators (see rank order preservation assumption above).

Note that in some rare use cases, state that would be typically categorized as static state like LibPFASST and application parameters becomes dynamic. For example, when LibPFASST is used in a larger application which needs to solve some problems with dynamic properties. Another example might be that we cannot ensure that configuration files stay the same on the disk, e.g., when doing runs lasting multiple hours or days.

In these cases more state needs to be synchronized. To do this, the application must add a synchronization routine to either the PF_PRE_SYNC or the PF_POST_SYNC hook. This hook should behave similarly to the pf_dynprocs_sync_state routine in the pf_dynprocs.f90 file.

The following routines are part of the pf_mod_dynprocs module (src/pf_dynprocs.f90).

Main Routines

subroutine pf_dynprocs_create(this, session, main_pset, global_pset, horizontal_pset)
  type(pf_dynprocs_t), intent(out)          :: this
  integer            , intent(in)           :: session
  character(len=*)   , intent(in)           :: main_pset
  character(len=*)   , intent(in), optional :: global_pset
  character(len=*)   , intent(in), optional :: horizontal_pset
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_create

Constructs a new dynprocs_t object. The main_pset is the process set used for time parallel communication.

When running LibPFASST in "space-parallel mode", both global_pset and horizontal_pset must be given as well. global_pset is a process set that contains the processes from all parallel LibPFASST runs. horizontal_pset is a process set that contains the processes from all parallel LibPFASST runs that will work on the same time step as the current process. The different main_pset and horizontal_pset arguments create a grid on top of global_pset. See the showcase page for a explanation of this.

subroutine pf_dynprocs_destroy(this)
  type(pf_dynprocs_t), intent(inout)   :: this
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_destroy

Destructs a dynprocs_t object. Note that the MPI Session given in the constructor must be finalized by the user.

subroutine pf_pfasst_create_dynamic(pf, dynprocs, nlevels, fname, nocmd)
  type(pf_pfasst_t),   intent(inout)        :: pf
  type(pf_dynprocs_t), intent(in), target   :: dynprocs
  integer,             intent(in), optional :: nlevels
  character(len=*),    intent(in), optional :: fname
  logical,             intent(in), optional :: nocmd
end subroutine pf_pfasst_create_dynamic

Create a new pf_pfasst_t object in a dynamic LibPFASST setting. This routine behaves very similar to pf_pfasst_create, but takes a pf_dynprocs_t argument instead of a pf_comm_t. This routine will point pf%dynprocs to the given dynprocs argument and will set pf%is_dynamic. Furthermore, this routine established communication from the process sets contained within dynprocs and will also establish communication to an existing LibPFASST run if the process was started dynamically.

Generic Helper Routines

The following routines are not PFASST specific and are provided as helpers for internal routines, but can also be used by the user for convenience.

subroutine pf_dynprocs_comm_from_pset(session, pset, comm)
   integer,          intent(in)  :: session
   character(len=*), intent(in)  :: pset
   integer,          intent(out) :: comm
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_comm_from_pset

Create an MPI communicator from the given process set. Combines MPI_Group_from_session_pset and MPI_Comm_create_from_group.

subroutine pf_dynprocs_pset_contains_me(session, pset, contains_me)
   integer,          intent(in)  :: session
   character(len=*), intent(in)  :: pset
   logical,          intent(out) :: contains_me
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_pset_contains_me

Check if the process set pset contains the current process.

subroutine pf_dynprocs_check_dynamic(session, is_dynamic)
  integer, intent(in)  :: session
  logical, intent(out) :: is_dynamic
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_check_dynamic

Check if the current process was started dynamically as a part of a GROW/ADD/REPLACE process set operation.

subroutine pf_dynprocs_psetop2str(psetop, str)
  integer,          intent(in)  :: psetop
  character(len=*), intent(out) :: str
end subroutine pf_dynprocs_psetop2str

Return the name of the given process set operation as a string.

TUM Interdisciplinary Project, Jan Fecht, 2023. pictures & videos: CC BY 3.0, code snippets: MIT